
<p>Think I have a chance at getting in?</p>

<p>(Current junior, all accurate estimations)
White Male from Minnesota
Decent Public school near St. Paul- About 8 kids to to Madison every year
Upper-Middle Class Income.
UW GPA 3.13 (This can be explained. I learned some valuable life lessons.)
W GPA: 3.19
ACT: 29 (trying to improve to 30-32)
PSAT: 157 (not taking the SAT)
Class Rank: Top 38% (9th grade & beggining of 11th were bad... some 'bad' grades in some classes that I should not have taken. Trying to fix some stuff up this summr =])
I'm quite a writer, since I do it all the time, so I think my essays will be top-of-the-line.</p>

<p>Good Recs.</p>

<p>Honors Courses: (If it was offered, I took it. Hardest possible.)
- HONORS US History
- HONORS 10th Grade English
- HONORS Advanced Algebra
- AP English Lit.
- HONORS Chemistry (I'm taking the AP Test)
- College Level Anatomy
- AP English Comp.
- AP Psychology
- HONORS Calculus
- AP Spanish Language
- HONORS Economics (maybe micro/macro AP Test)
- HONORS Physics (AP Test)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities:</p>

<p>Varsity Cross Country (6 years)
- Captain
- Hosted several team events</p>

<p>Varsity Track ( 4 years)
- Captain 2 years</p>

<p>-PT Job at Department Store since June '08</p>

<p>Intro. Med. Residential Program @ U-Wisconsin this summer... in August.
- This was competetive to get into.</p>

<p>Environmental Club (2 years so far)
- minor volunteering
- possible president next year?</p>

<p>School Band (5 years)
- Pep Band
- Section leader
- Orchestra Ensemble
- Jazz Ensemble- 2 years</p>

<p>Piano (13 years)
-Participated in various recitals/ competitions.. no awards.</p>

<p>Guitar ( 3 years)
- Been teaching myself</p>

<p>MSWE Leadership Team (Model Students With Enthuisiasm)
-Red Ribbon Week President (Organized an anti-drug and alcohol themed week of activities for the school.)
- Active in community volunteering through this program.
- Elected on to the Executive Board</p>

<p>WEB (Where Everybody Belongs)
- Group Leader.. volunteered to assist underclassmen with adapting to a new school
- Did twice as much volunteering than anyone else</p>

<p>Junior Class Comittee (probably senior too)</p>

<p>Peer Tutors (Roughly 3-4 hours weekly)</p>

<p>Student Senate (Elected for Junior Year)
- Hoping to work up to President or Vice by senior Year</p>

<p>Fall Musical (will be 3 years)
- Medium sized roles, likely a lead role junior or senior year</p>

<p>Winter One-Act Play Competition (2 years)
- Small roles. This just gives me something to do in the winter.</p>

<p>Student Ambassadors (Freshman Year)</p>

<p>I write novels in my spare time. My longest was 210 pages. I want to get something published soon.</p>

<p>I am a dedicated rower.. I row 4-6 times a week in the summer, and 3-4 times in the school year.</p>

<p>So do you think I'll make it?</p>

<p>Aww shucks.. I didn't intend to title this "d." I hit enter too soon. sorry.</p>

<p>WishWash, not to ruin your thread, but cmon man you gotta relax! Don't worry so much about which college you get into. Learn from your past and just be laid back in life, it's much better then this pretentious, arrogant ivy notion. Good luck in life and I hope you get into the schools you apply to!</p>

<p>Too bad your GPA spoils an otherwise strong and interesting profile. If your grades junior year forward are high, you'll have a good chance.</p>

<p>You need to get better grades this year and next. A big improvement will be more important than the overall gpa. It is worth your while to do the work to get the A's.</p>

<p>So if you had to guess, do you think I'll get in?</p>

<p>Check the chart on the UW website. It will show you the admission chances for someone with your stats.</p>

<p>I really hate that chart. I know someone who got a 35% chance on that, and ended up getting accepted. </p>

<p>Is it mostly reliable?</p>

<p>Frankly, I don't think they would release a chart like that if it didn't have any truth to it. You have a 35% chance to get in, just like you friend did. I think it might come down to your essays and just how competitive the class is this year. You have an excellent strength of schedule so you just need to show admissions how much you really want to attend UW. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Wait, it says I have 50%. Assuming I can get a 30.</p>

<p>Are there any projections on the competitiveness of the HS c/o 2010? I heard it was going to get easier since there will be less people graduating and therefore less people applying.</p>

<p>Ya I guess with the assumption, but your current stats put you at 35%. I don't really know about applicant projections for the next class, but perhaps it will be less with economic issues. I have also hear (unsure if true) that OOS students might have an advantage this year. This is because of the budget cuts the publics are facing and they need OOS tuition. I don't know where you live, but maybe that could be a good thing.</p>

<p>GRR. I'm in Minnesota, so it's essentially in state tuition.</p>

<p>The economy should keep a good number of OOS people away I'd think, resulting in less applicants, I guess? Plus, less graduates. </p>

<p>You have no idea how much I'd like to go here. It's been my dream school since I was SIX.</p>