Safety @ TCU

My daughter is considering TCU. Please let me know how safe you feel the TCU campus is as well as Ft Worth. Any concerns with walking around the campus in the evening or walking to the student parking lots on campus? Also, how much drinking occurs on campus? Any other thoughts on this topic would be appreciated.

My son (2014) and daughter (graduating in a couple of weeks) attend/ed TCU, The area right around the campus is safe for an urban school. TCU police are everywhere and safe rides are available. That all said, they both walked freely on campus and to close-by off campus housing day and night. It’s an urban environment so everyone has to be smart but they never had any problems.

Hi Terriw,

Thank you so much for responding and sharing your thoughts. How have your son and daughter enjoyed TCU? Did they feel like it was a good fit and they had made the right choice? Were your kids OOS?

Hi, They are/were from CA. They both enjoyed TCU. Better fit for my son than daughter. Both did very well there. Son went in medical school; daughter is graduating from Neeley with a very good job in Dallas. She did a semester in London and loved that.

Terriw, can you text me at 775-250-5050? I would like to ask you a question off thread if that is ok.