<p>That never works for me, I tried it two years ago, and it completely blew up in my face because I started panicking when I had some B's. I try not to think about the future too much or I'll start daydreaming instead of thinking about the present.</p>
<p>I just take the stance of assuming I'm going to get all A's and then if something is going wrong, I get really obsessed about it and correct it quickly. I also told myself that I wasn't going to die and start walking at my xc meet today (I've been sick)-and that worked as well, it was painful as all hell, but it worked.</p>
<p>I said that in September, but lo and behold, international French exchange coming here has absorbed ALL my time. I have hours of work to do and all sorts of ECs all while hanging avec les fran</p>
<p>Kaznack... SAME HERE! I also love having them the week before applications are due... I still have to finish my short answers. Ugggh.</p>
<p>I'm out until 10:30 with them every night... and THEN I start my homework. My teachers are getting mad at me. One of my teachers (literally) started making fun of me because I left my Physics notebook in the back of her class. She said, "You know, you are REALLY ticking me off now*... You can't just prance around like 'Oooh, I have a French exchange student! Oooh, ooh, look at me!' I've had enough."</p>
<p>*Keep in mind that this is all because I accidentally left my Physics notebook on my desk. That is all that I did. I left my notebook on her desk, went back to pick it up... and got that wonderful speech.
I never even mentioned the exchange to her... I didn't use it as an excuse or anything. She just completely attacked me. Ugggh.</p>