sat and early admissions

<p>if apply early admissions will colleges get my november results</p>

<p>Yes in most cases.</p>

<p>most early admission apps are due nov 1st i thought??? do u mean october results?</p>

<p>thats why i am asking, i know they are due nov1st and teh sats are nov 3rd but im not sure if they can be added on b4 the colleges actually look at my resume, im preety sure that theyll definently have your october ones</p>

<p>Rush your scores.</p>

<p>Although the scores don't get to the students until weeks after the test administration, often they are sent to the university first and within a shorter period of time. Since most schools don't send out their early admissions until mid-December, this is plenty of time for admissions officers. I read somewhere (though I can't find it now) that the college board understands this problem and places an even greater emphasis on sending scores quickly to schools from tests taken in November to allow ample time for consideration. But again, it can vary with the school.</p>

<p>So will a test from October be sure to be noticed? Without rushing?</p>

<p>they will get the october score in time. they may get mad if you take the november test (since its after the deadline). but just to be sure, call the school and ask if they will accept a november SAT score</p>

<p>different schools will have different polices on this as well. but usually they should take it.</p>

<p>This is one you need to check on with each university to which you intend to apply that has early admission or early decision. The applicatgion deadline is not usually the test score deadline. Some accept the November tests (and there is no need to rush); some accept November SAT II tests (without rush) but state you should not assume a November SAT will be considered (the IIs get graded faster than the SAT); and some will not take the November test (latest one accepted is October; and all take October without rushing scores). Each college usually publishes on its site the last test it will take for EA or ED.</p>