SAT boot camp or self study?

Lately, all of my friends have been going to SAT boot camp or tutoring, but it’s really expensive for sessions. It’s not like my family can’t pay for it, but my parents think that teaching yourself is cost and time efficient, and that sometimes the tutors aren’t too great and then it would just be a waste of money. I’m planning on taking the PSAT in the fall, but I’m just completely unprepared. I was wondering if I should just self teach myself and just buy some workbooks and research online or if I should just ask to get tutored. I have never been tutored or anything like that before, and I’ve gotten along fine my freshman year. It’s just that the SATs are a lot different.
Any tips or suggestions on what I should do? Your personal experiences?

Just get tutored. Almost all of the students who come to me for tutoring tried some boot camp and spent thousands of dollars on it, with little to no improvement. Boot camp is neither individualized nor disciplined. It is largely an opportunity to repeat errors over and over because there are so many practice tests, with mostly non-expert advice between those tests. That’s in my anecdotal experience over 10 years.