SAT cheat-New Account Different Email? To avoid score choice?

<p>A friend just told me that he found out that it's possible to open a new Collegeboard account, using exactly the same name as appeared on official documents, but using a different email address.</p>

<p>From the way he told me, I think he is seriously considering using this way to avoid sending bad scores to non-score choice colleges. He did not do well in his previous Subject Tests sitting, so he planned to retake using the new account, but without having to report bad scores since they'll not be on his 'new' record.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Isn't that cheating/illegal?</p>

<p>On your score report, your schools will receive your email address (if you send online score reports that is) so I don’t think it is wise for your friend to try and cheat his way with this.</p>

<p>Colleges cannot reject score choice, so he could just use score choice. There is no way a college can make you send scores that you did not send, but for the ease if heart, you should send them anyway.</p>

<p>And I believe that you can write to the Collegeboard to have a test removed from record, but i’m not certain.</p>