<p>this may sound like a dumb question or proposition, but what if we make 10 different email ids and take 10 SATs, with each SAT registered with each id?</p>
<p>then score choice wouldnt really matter, because you can reject the sending of the scores from 9 of them and just send your best score from 1 of them. it would avoid score choice and would also look good that you got a good score on your "first" try.</p>
<p>not that that i would do it (got a 212 soph. PSAT and already gave my SAT), but it could be easily possible right?</p>
<p>In order for this to happen, you must :
1)Register each account under different addresses
2)Register each account under different phone number
3)Log in account using different IP addresses</p>
<p>If you make one,just one error, you might end up getting caught and the consequences would be very serious.I wouldn`t recommend it.</p>