<p>I shall lose my sanity and my life. Mental derangement is more fearful than physical ailment indeed.</p>
<p>1/ If SAT Reasoning is an object which differs from sanity, which of the following must be true about SAT</p>
<pre><code> I - SAT is a form of Schizophrenia
II - SAT resembles symtomps similar to those of Paranoia
III - SAT is only another name of Megalomania
<p>(A) Only I is true
(B) Only II is true
(C) I and II is true
(D) II and III is true
(E) I, II and III is true</p>
<p>I have worked this out a lot. E is the correct answer.</p>
<p>Lol.. my friend has a plan and he wants to study like anything.. he is going for a 2400.. though i told him it was impossible... in 1 week.. but hey.. thumbs up for his motivational skills... LOT better than mine.. </p>
<p>my last week of sat studying.. read 10 vocab words.. and did 1/3 of a practice test.</p>
<p>I just decided im doing standby, with no prep. I have nothing to lose though, cause even if I score worse than what I have now Ill just send my ACTs. Goin for a 2100- 700cr,800m,600w.</p>
<p>I excessively prepare for Math. I shall fight to death. Bloody hell I cannot be defeated because I have nothing to be ruined. I like chocolateltoids, nothing to lose. Consider the ahead path is all dark</p>