<p>Princeton Review recommends coming armed with a bunch of versatile examples that can be applicable to pretty much any of the broad topics CB uses. Some of the ones people use all the time include the following:</p>
American Revol.</p>
<p>What other histroical example are you guys going to use? The above are pretty common and bore essay readers quickly....</p>
<p>in terms of books, i think some good examples are Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, The Jungle...also probably overdone, but if they can be used tomorrow, I will use them.</p>
<p>uhm... I mentioned the war in IRAQ, and said that it happened in 2005 (oops) :(( but overall i guess my essay was good. How are a few mistakes going to hurt my score?</p>
<p>I've used, Galileo, and other major scientists a la feynman, newton, keplar, einstein etc... and the cuban missile crisis for history.</p>
<p>For lit i used lord of the flies, and a dolls house.
(I got an 11 both times...)</p>
<p>I wouldn't really bother studying subjects for the essay to much. I'd say its more a case of how you say it rather than what you say. As long as you have a good grasp of some literature and history you'll do fine.</p>
<p>I remember on an SAT essay about success being due to luck or hard work, I wrote about Finch (the rock band) and made up some stuff. I got a 10 though.</p>
<p>movie: team america world police
literary: the emperor's new clothes (like a bedtime story)
personal: some anecdote i made up about constructive criticism</p>
<p>outcome: 12 out of 12</p>
<p>it really doesn't matter what you use as long as you use it well</p>