<p>I'm an international student from Taiwan. I'm now a sophomore in high school, and what advice would everyone give for preparing for the SAT?
I would like to take the SAT I in March or May next year. What books should I buy, and how should I prepare? Are there any tips? So far I've only bought a book published by college board which is said to contain 10 "real" SAT practice tests. What else might I need?
Thanks to anyone who replies.</p>
<p>Is the 10 Real SAT book the old red one? Because those tests are no longer being administered. The new SAT practice book is blue and I believe they have 8 SATs? These tests are exams that have been given in the past so they are actually real SATs. Other than that, I don't know what you need help on or anyhting. Just read the book, take the tests, figure out what you're weak in and work on that. Good luck!</p>
<p>Concentrate on the Writing and Critical reading sections, since math is isn't usually a problem for internationals. I advise getting Barrons SAT II Writing book if you can still find it, it contains a comprehensive guide for the common writing mistakes. Since you have plenty of time before you take the SAT, concentrate on building your vocabulary. Subscribe to the daily SAT question from the Collegeboard website. Read (critically) A LOT of challenging novels. 5 weeks or so before the SAT (you may wish to begin earlier) start practising with SAT questions from the Collegeboard blue book. follow the method outlined by Xiggi for attacking these tests. by the time you take the test you should be set.</p>
<p>one more thing.
if the 10 real SAT book you're talking about is the red one (for the Old SAT) then don't throw it away. You can still use it for sentence completion and reading comprehension practice.</p>
<p>my message was deleted a few days ago due to the system :(
Well, my book is the blue one for the new SAT.
Thanks for all the advice, I really hope to score a high grade
So far I feel that 2000 is like a safety (M800, W+C 1200)
I think by that time I can boost W+C to 1300+, but I really want to score over 2200, which means I nead to get at least 1400 in writing and reading sections...
Any other advice?</p>
<p>From my experience, studying hard in your English class in school is the best way to prepare for the verbal section of the SAT. When other students skim read a book such as Moby Dick, try to read it two times and take notes. It would be a pain in the butt at first, but soon you'll find yourself way above others. Also, take the habit of reading newspapers alot. For me, I mostly connect to the NewYork Times whenever I have time and spend like an hour everyday reading the news. As everyone says, habit is the most important thing of all. Develop the habit of reading critically and reviewing the news whenever you have time. Also, when you don't know a certain word, look it up. Don't just close the dictionary however, but open it until you trully have memorized the words. Good Luck!</p>