<p>I have taken SAT I 3 times now(twice during my Junior yr and again in Nov.), but I am not entirely satisfied with my score of 2110. I am considering on taking it again in January--for the 4th time. However, I have heard that colleges shun at the prospect at taking the SAT I more than 3 times. Can any one confirm this notion? Maybe specify the reasons. </p>
<p>On another note, Yale, among other top-tier colleges, states that the LATEST date to take the ACT is in February. Think about this: FEBRUARY-- a month after the January 1st regular application deadline. So, would it be ridiculous or even an disadvantage to take the ACT in February (praying for 33+..)? And wouldn't you think that the admissions panel probably read my application by then?</p>
<p>I've heard the same thing, that 3 is the absolute max for most schools. Quite honestly, I don't see why you would want to put yourself through all of that again.</p>
<p>How much of an improvement did you have between Jr and Sr years? Remember
that CB sends all your scores and that the school will see them all and reach their own conclusions (steady improvement, reached a plateau, too much prepping, etc). I think that the only conclusion they are not going to reach is that your vastly improved study habits translated into an increase in your scores. Worry more about a great application with great essays.</p>
<p>I would take the ACT asap. If you do well, then you send the scores</p>
<p>pinkiwi where are you getting that 3 is the max? did u make that up? i read on a statement from the harvard's admission office that he didnt care if you took the SAT 6 times.</p>
<p>I've heard from an admiss. officer that over 3 times is considered above and beyond the call of duty (it's like sending 6 rec's, when only 2 are required).</p>
<p>Also, my CAP advisor said that over 3 times is strongly discouraged, which is why you should wait to take the SAT until you're truly prepared.</p>
<p>i think once you get past 3 colleges will think you are just improving at taking the SAT instead of really getting any better, if that makes any sense.</p>
<p>If you ask on these boards, three times is the max everyone usually advises. The bottom line is whatever YOU feel comfortable with; personally I have not found any colleges that specify or officially indicate a particular cut-off. Have you? Bottom line is, if YOU feel you have a chance of marked improvement, then go for it. I don't think improvement will be held against you. Be confident.</p>
<p>^I agree. most people generally take it a max of three times not due to college limitations, but because most people have hit a plateau and don't improve after their third time. if you feel that you can improve though, by all means, go for it.</p>