SAT I...for the 4th Time? & FEBRUARY ACT Testing

<p>I have taken SAT I 3 times now(twice during my Junior yr and again in Nov.), but I am not entirely satisfied with my score of 2110. I am considering on taking it again in January--for the 4th time. However, I have heard that colleges shun at the prospect at taking the SAT I more than 3 times. Can any one confirm this notion? Maybe specify the reasons. </p>

<p>On another note, Yale, among other top-tier colleges, states that the LATEST date to take the ACT is in February. Think about this: FEBRUARY-- a month after the January 1st regular application deadline. So, would it be ridiculous or even an disadvantage to take the ACT in February (praying for 33+..)? And wouldn't you think that the admissions panel probably read my application by then?</p>

<p>Answering your questions in reverse order, </p>

<p>b) The February ACT is timely for the regular admission round at quite a few colleges, notably Harvard, so I can well believe it is timely for Yale. </p>

<p>a) The reason to retake an SAT I test is to get a higher score. If you get a SIGNIFICANTLY higher score, that would be worth your while. Colleges don't care how many times you take the SAT as much as they care about how high your score is. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>BUT, maybe there is something else you can do with the same amount of time and effort that will improve your admission chances even more--like doing a really good job on your college admission essays, or gaining some achievement in your extracurricular activities. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>