I’m interested in applying to Yale but have an ACT score of 31 whilst their “average” is between a 32-35. According to their website, I have one more opportunity to take the test in February.
I know if I do retake it my score will probably fall between a 33-35, but it will be my fourth time. I’ve heard colleges tend to frown on multiple retakes, but this could be my chance to strengthen my application.
What do you suggest I do?
I would not retake the ACT a fourth time. Your score would probably be the exact same. If you really want to retake another standardized test, you should give the SAT a go (if you haven’t already).
I took the ACT three times, and even though I got my highest score on my third try, I hardly improved if you look at all my three attempts.
1st time: 32 Composite, total for sections was a 129 (If I had gotten ONE more question right, my average would have been a 32.5, which would have rounded up to a 33.)- April 2015
2nd time: 31 Composite, total for sections was a 122 (My average was a 30.5, which rounded up to a 31.)- June 2015
3rd time: 33 Composite, total for sections was a 130 (32.5 rounds up to 33.)
As you can see, I literally improved by only ONE question overall, over a period of over 7 months of studying. You would probably be better off studying for the SAT. If they accept the February ACT, then it’s probably safe to assume they accept the January SAT. If you decide to take the SAT, even though it may not seem like a lot of time, you will find that the work you put in for the ACT really improves your SAT scores. This is what happened in my experience. I was taking practice SATs after the September test, just in case I didn’t get my target score. I had planned to take the SAT in December if I did not get a 33+ on the ACT. I got a 1970 my first official try on the SAT, but after I started taking SAT practice tests again (after all the ACT prep), I was scoring in the mid to high 2100s. (From a sample of 8 tests).
If your score really will be 33+, then it would be worth.
Yes, multiple retakes are frowned upon.
3 takes is already a lot though
4 takes is only slightly more
@theofrelord I think colleges will only frown upon retakes that are >3.
@QuiteAverage90 I would go for the SAT, but based on the practice tests I’ve taken my scores were comparatively lower. It isn’t really the test for me. And, I’ve already sent in my other ACT scores. Thanks for the advice!!