SAT II Biology for Dummies

<p>Anyone tried SAT II Biology for Dummies? How is it?</p>

<p>not good, buy Cliff’s AP Bio or Barron’s AP Bio, and use that to prepare for the SAT</p>

<p>Mp22- what did u end up getting?</p>

<p>cool, i think i’ll go with barrons, thanks</p>

<p>crunkk, I ended up with an 800. I still must take Math level 2 and World History in December.
I didn’t get one question right. The question with the organism (euglena) asked which kingdom it belongs.I wrote eucarya . However the “correct” answer was Protista.
That made me really nervous because I just took IB Higher Biology (i am an international student) , and we used Campbell’s Biology 8th edition and, the book uses the newest 3 domain system(Archea,Bacteria,Eucarya), but the collegeboard apparently uses the older 5 kingdom system(Monera,Protista,Fungi,Plantae,Animalia)…</p>