<p>I will be taking the accelerated Chemistry course in the Fall semester (our school only offers slowed down, accelerated, and AP; accelerated is a prereq for AP), and It will end a little before the end of January. I also wish to take the Chemistry SAT subject test. I am willing to work hard. I am relatively smart; rising sophomore with straight A+s in the most difficult freshman courses, and a current SAT score range of about 2100-2250. How early do you guys think I should start reviewing and studying? I have PR and Barrons. Early December? Mid Decemeber? Early January?</p>
<p>Thanks for your time!</p>
<p>Schoolisfun? Is that actually you?! Haha, jk.</p>
<p>Well I’m also a rising sophomore who’s gonna take the SAT II Chem this year. I’m taking it alongside an honor’s Chemistry class, and will probably use PR’s Cracking the Chem SAT II. Though I myself am planning to kind of study while taking the class (extensively studying concepts as we learn them in class). So for me, I’ll be studying all year long until the June 4th SAT II examinations.</p>
<p>^Hmm, I think that’s a smart idea; maybe I’ll do that too
Thanks for the help HONORLIONS! Other responses are also appreciated</p>
<p>lol what do you mean?</p>
<p>P.S. great place you live in</p>
<p>I’m also using this you tube channel called Khanacademy, which has like, chemistry (and several other science) lecture topics, sometimes with like labs and stuff. It looks pretty helpful for reviewing things. </p>
<p>You know, THE schoolisfun who writes those helpful guides for AP stuff (which I often use for just plain tests and stuff).</p>
<p>Yeah, though heating/cooling costs are expensive here. You’d think a bunch of artillery and gun shot holes in your house wouldn’t let THAT much air out.</p>
<p>OMG! I LOVE KHANACADEMY! Salman is amazing! </p>
haha I’ve only produced one guide (math II) and that wasn’t even 100% my work
I appreciate the celebrity status in your mind though
<p>Haha maybe you should move?</p>
<p>Lol I’m pretty sure I’ve seen other guides by you for AP stuff… oh well, maybe it was just me. </p>
<p>And yeah, I’ve been trying to move for a while now. Though some idiot put a bunch of barbed wire and concrete walls all around my town with mines for some reason.</p>
<p>haha </p>
<p>Haha maybe I’ll have to fly a jetplane in there and rescue you xD</p>