SAT II: Knowledge Vs breadth?

<p>Ok, what is better that I do Bio, maths, chem since it's related to what I want to do or bio, maths us history(or other) to show breadth. I am aiming for top schools for pre-med and then med. Any help would be appreciated</p>

<p>Some schools have their own requirements of which SAT IIs they want you to take (eg some want science majors to take at least 1 science SAT II). Most, however, have no such requirements... they want you to take any two or three.</p>

<p>Doesn't really matter what you want to major in or do later... just take the SAT IIs you'll do best in (ie you don't need to show breadth unless a school specifically requires it).</p>

<p>hey, </p>

<p>what are good grades on the SAT II'S for a good college?</p>

<p>like 700-800?</p>

<p>can someone help?</p>

<p>no offence but what does that have anything to do with the topic at end?</p>