Sat II math 2


how does a 760 math level 2 look for a potential physics major at slightly sub ivy level schools?

Not very good, percentile wise. The math 2 is either 800 or bust.

It also depends on your math SATs; also, did you take the Physics subject test? That score is equally important.

I received a 750 on physics as I had only taken AP physics 1. Would colleges take into account that I took precalculus sophomore year? (I had forgotten quite a bit).

Do you guys think I should retake in January for an 800?

A 760 is fine for somewhat sub-Ivy schools. I had mid 700 SATs that were low percentile wise (750 Chem,77% and 760 Math II, I think that was somewhere from 60-70%) but didn’t really see it hamper my application for high tier schools.

What other things do you have in your application that demonstrate your skill and interest in physics? Mediocre (considering the highly competitive pool) SAT II scores might not hamper your application if you have something else going for you, like Science Olympiad or a research opportunity or internship.

I do compete in physics olympiad and have done some research (not in physics however because it is very difficult to find a physics professor to take a high school student). I also have a high math act score and am in a higher level math class (post calculus). I have read that there is generally not significant discrimination between scores 750+, so I am not particularly concerned with my physics score considering I had only learned about half the material in a classroom. However, I know math has a large curve and many people score 800 - so would it be worth it to retake in january?

If you are going to study harder for January or felt that you performed badly on your previous test day, and got an 800 on a practice test, then go for it. But if you haven’t done anything that would increase your score then don’t throw it to chance. 40 points is not a big leap to make, especially in the context of SAT II’s, but it won’t happen just due to luck. I would retake it if you feel you have a strong chance at an 800 due to the reasons listed above. Whether a 760 will hurt you in the admissions process, I’m not sure. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

And just to reiterate I am not applying to Ivies or the elite technical schools

Take a look at your school’s 25th and 75th percentile SAT II scores if they are offered. As long as you are in the range, you’re probably fine when your SAT II scores are coupled with your other application elements.

Unfortunately they are not offered. Thank you very much for your help.

Ignore this. This myth has been thoroughly discredited on these boards. It’s a difficult test with a very strong self-selected pool of takers. As one data point, my son’s 780 Math 2 score was good enough for his acceptance to Princeton, where he graduated magna cum laude in Physics. I see no reason to take it again. Good luck!