SAT II MATHS 2 ,is it necessary??

<p>i have taken the test of maths 1 in SAT II but do colleges specifically require the level 2 test too?</p>

<p>some, if not most, colleges prefer to see Math level 2 because it covers higher level math (even though there’s a more generous curve) that is more relative to college mathematics. Plus, most colleges will take your 2 best SAT II’s, so if you’ve taken more than just Math I, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>If you think you’re good enough I would also take Math II.</p>

<p>Math I is basically a longer version of the math section on the vanilla SATs.</p>

<p>There are two different tests because they are for two different types of students.
Math II is for those who have completed Pre-Calculus.
Math I is for those who have not completed Pre-Calculus.</p>

<p>Unless you are in Calculus and taking Math I, it won’t hurt you.</p>

<p>Math 1 is fine as an SAT II for most colleges that require IIs and there is no need to take the math 2 for them, but there are exceptions: (a) if applying for math, science or engineering major make sure the college you might be applying to does not require the Math II for those majors; (b) the UCs do not accept the math 1; if you submit a math (not required) it must be the math 2. Also, if applying to Stanford, which actually does not require IIs but recommends them, it recommends that if you submit a math it be math 2.</p>

<p>can you take both?</p>

<p>You can take both but colleges that require IIs generally require them in different subjects and thus having both maths will only count as one required test.</p>

<p>so it would be redundant to take both?</p>