SAT II Physics

<p>Is the SAT II physics test calculus based, algebra/trig based, or a little bit of both?</p>

<p>My opinion isn't the most qualified, but consider the fact that calculators are not allowed. I'm assuming that any math required is very basic.</p>

<p>thanks zoogies, didn't know that about the calculators</p>

<p>most of the questions are conceptual. the few questions requiring math involve only basic calculus.</p>

<p>I took it in May and they threw a history question in from out of nowhere...which of the following physicists did not contribute to some physics subject or another and then they listed physicists.</p>

<p>awesome, thanks guys</p>

<p>u only need to know arithmetic like 20/4 or 10 to neg. 6 divided by 5 to neg. 4.</p>

<p>remember they don't have sat II trig, stat, or calc.</p>

<p>get a practice book and take a look at the questions</p>