<p>I know I need 3, and diversity is probably something desired, but what happens if my tests work out like this:</p>
<p>US History : 780 Spanish : 670 Literature : (720ish Expected, Taking this Sataurday) World History : (720ish Expected, Taking this Sataurday)</p>
<p>Will I be penalized for having two out of my top three scoring exams being histories?</p>
<p>You, sir, are a jackass.</p>
<p>Um... What?</p>
<p>No don't worry about it. Just do as well as you can</p>
<p>For Princeton, do your SAT IIs have to be in sophomore, junior and seniors years or do ones taken as freshmen count?</p>
<p>ah frosh year better count....i dont understand why they wouldnt.... i got a 750 frosh year on Math IC and it shows the same level of achievement as of a junior got that score so why would it not count?</p>