<p>I'm not too happy with my SAT II scores (I took three in June).</p>
<p>Math: 800 (well, I'm fine with that)</p>
<p>Chem: 700 (not sure how I feel. what do you guys think? Percentile-wise, I think it's pretty sucky, but it is at/above a 700...)</p>
<p>Spanish: 640 (ugh. I don't want to talk about it. >.<)</p>
<p>My ED school (the Brown eight-year med program) application deadline is the standard Nov. 1st. AND IT REQUIRES THREE SAT IIs. (The above are the only three SAT IIs I've taken.)</p>
<p>I only have one more test date (October) to take SAT/SAT IIs.</p>
<p>My SAT score is a 2200. (700 Math, 700 Writing, 800 Reading) That is also not quite up to par (I was aiming for above a 2300).</p>
<p>My question is: Do I retake the SAT I and get above a 2300 on that (hopefully), or do I take more SAT IIs so that I don't have such horrible scores on my application?</p>
<p>I think sat I since ur scores are fine for subject tests for two and they know that Spanish has an extremely harsh curve due to natives taking it so getting above a 2300 is a big accomplishment</p>
<p>Brown requires only 2 subject tests and one of them must be a science test.</p>
<p>"Applicants are required to submit results of the SAT Reasoning Test and any two SAT Subject Tests. PLME candidates are advised to include a science test as one of the two required SAT Subject Tests. Alternatively, an applicant may submit results of the ACT which takes the place of both the SAT Reasoning Test and the SAT Subject Tests. If choosing the ACT, you must take it with the Writing Test option."</p>
<p>i would definitely retake the SATs and at least bring it up to 2300 or 2350
the 700 on chem isn't horrible...it's on the 700 mark :]
congrats on math!</p>
<p>yeah i was thinking of applying to Brown's PLME too. They require only 2 subject tests though, which is good because I took 3 of them and my top 2 are 790 US History and 650 Chem, and well I don't want to talk about my worst one lol</p>
<p>Since I only have 1 test date left if I want to apply ED, I am going to take the SAT again in October because that is more important than subject tests in my opinion.</p>
<p>Just a head’s up for any future applicants who happen upon this thread. I decided to take another SAT II – Bio. I scored 740. On my app, I listed my Bio, Chem and Math II scores and ignored Spanish entirely.</p>
<p>I was fine with my 2200 SAT score (breakdown for math, verbal etc listed above). I know people who got rejected with higher SATs and accepted with lower SATs.</p>
<p>Hope that helps if anyone is stressing out over the same problem as I was! I’m now of the strong belief that SATs don’t need to be taken more than once except under EXTREME circumstances. :)</p>