<p>Hi. I'm a junior and haven't taken any SAT IIs yet. I'm planning on taking Math II in October so I can study over the summer, but I'm not sure which other subject tests to take and when I should take them.</p>
<p>My APs this year: English Lang, BC Calc, World History, Physics B. I will be taking AP exams in all of these subjects.</p>
<p>Senior year APs, tentatively: English Lit, Stat, US History, Econ. Also, IB Span 6.</p>
<p>*When is the latest I can take SAT IIs senior year? I would like to take the USH and English Lit subject tests senior year, preferably with as much classroom instruction in those subjects as possible.</p>
<p>*Should I take the June World Hist and Physics subject tests instead/in addition to USH and Lit? (I haven't taken any sort of Honors/on-level Physics or AP European Hist., and feel much more interested and confident in USH and Lit)</p>
<p>*If I took Math II, Lit, and USH, that would mean no science subject test. Would schools prefer I take a science? Do any schools REQUIRE a science or a specific subject test?</p>
<p>Any advice is much appreciated!!</p>