sat math 2 books

<p>good books to review for top score?
I want books that would be good rep. of actual scores and include good explanations of questions.</p>

<p>any tips/suggestions would be GREAT!</p>

<p>Art of Problem Solving books</p>

<p>Are AoPS books really good for Math II? I’ve heard of AoPS for the AMC, but not for Math II. </p>

<p>I’ve heard Barron’s tossed around as the de facto Math II book, and I’ve heard PR tossed around for Math II by a small but vocal faction of counter-culture CCers … I’m really confused … I guess I’ll just have to try all and see for myself.</p>

<p>yeah i dont feel like buying all…
is pr too easy? i want moderate challenge–math is not my forte.</p>

<p>Get PR and the Official CB Math Subject Test guide. (contains two released Math Level 2 tests)</p>

<p>I used this and got an 800. The review in PR is unrivaled. </p>

<p>I also took practice tests from Sparknotes. (You can find these for free online) </p>

<p>Don’t listen to people and get overkill material. Math competition books such as AoPS are not required and are a waste of time IF you’re attempting for a good score on the Math Level 2 test.</p>


<p>I studied AoPS and got an 800…but i mean i also like math and didn’t really have the sat 2 in mind when i studied these books. Ok but on da real doe to the OP: search for some consolidated list of math topics for the exam and then use Wikipedia and all the other vast amounts of resources that the Internet has to offer. or get a book. idk.</p>

<p>Nothing against you, inject. </p>

<p>I like AoPS as well.</p>

<p>But the OP stated, “good books to review for top score?” </p>

<p>So, I gave the best advice. :)</p>

<p>I bought MEYLANI book for my daughter, I doubt she even open it.</p>

<p>yeah the question was: what book to get.</p>

<p>thanks rahulkshah, you think that the PR coupled with the Barrons and sparknotes online should be sufficient? </p>

<p>I’m mainly concerned with answers being thorough so I can understand my mistakes! :)</p>

<p>and understanding that certain editions of books may be slightly different, which PR did you use as well? (thanks)</p>

<p>[</a> 15 Realistic Tests for the SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 (9781451582437): Rusen Meylani: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Any of the recent editions of PR will work. They don’t really change in 2-3 years. So I’m sure you can find a copy of one at the library. </p>

<p>And make sure you look at the official tests released by College Board in their book!</p>

<p>good advice.
would you say much of the test includes precalc? or alg2 the most?</p>

<p>Barrons + Dr. John Chung’s combo</p>

<p>anyone who has taken it can comment on the contents and difficulty of the test?
that’d be more than helpful</p>

<p>how is the difficulty</p>

<p>Difficulty is impossible to gauge for each individual person just by asking; tell us what you normally score in your math classes for the past few years / what type of math classes you’ve taken. I’d say math II is one of the easiest SAT IIs because it has such a nice curve (usually 6-7 wrong is still an 800).
There’s very little pre-calc on the test. The pre-calc on the test is really basic (radians, some trig identities). Most of it’s algebra 2 and some geometry. So make sure you’re really strong in algebra.</p>

<p>i took it june this year and got a 800. i definitely recommend getting the pr. aops seems a little overboard. i used pr and barrons (absolutely HATED barrons), skimmed pr and did the practice tests from pr. pr is probably the best book out for math II</p>

<p>ok. im using barrons, and im severely struggling through the 1st ptest.
maybe getting most of them for the first 20-25 and then pretty much stopping at 40.
Ive taken precalc (this past year) and geo, alg1, 2 </p>

<p>Maybe i should order PReview?? @2nerdy4you
Has anyone used Chungs SAT II math?</p>

<p>Barrons is extremely hard which helps a lot but a book I found to help me even more was Dr.Chungs Math Level 2. Wow it was amazing it was harder than the real thing but it felt like more realistic practice than barrons because barrons would ask really random questions that you really don’t need to know.</p>