<p>Hey, I am currently a junior in high school right now and I’m really trying to get into the PLME program. I guess this really is two questions so I’ll just ask away.</p>
<p>1) For PLME do I need to send in SAT subject scores if I’m planning to send in my ACT scores? (I read in admissions to either send in SAT and Subjects tests OR ACT and I wasn’t sure if that applied to PLME as well).
2) My SAT Math 2c is 710. I took Biology E and scored a 740 so I’m not too worried about that but for PLME, I really don’t know if that 710 is good enough. Should I retake it (my counselor advised against it but I didn’t tell him about PLME) or not?</p>
<p>I am planning to take one more SAT subject test for U.S. History and my ethnicity is Asian (if that hurts/helps my in any way
<li><p>If your ACT scores are comparatively much better than your SATs, then I think the recommendation is to only send in the ACTs. You do not have to send the SAT subject tests if you are submitting ACTs, but most people would say it is a good idea to.
From Brown’s PLME site:
"Applicants are required to submit results of the SAT Reasoning Test and any two SAT Subject Tests. PLME candidates are advised to include a science test as one of the two required SAT Subject Tests. Alternatively, an applicant may submit results of the ACT which takes the place of both the SAT Reasoning Test and the SAT Subject Tests. If choosing the ACT, you must take it with the Writing Test option. "</p></li>
<li><p>710 is in the ballpark, but a bit lower than the norm for the admitted PLME students. Look at past admission Stats threads to get a rough idea. Your grades are more important though. I don’t think it would hurt to take it again if you think it would go up substantially. Your counselor may not know that part of the “if”. Sometimes a student’s current math teacher may also know enough about their previous students, and what they think you are capable of as another person to consider asking for advice.</p></li>