SAT October 2009 Results Thread!

<p>WOOHOOO! so happy!! on the first try too!</p>

CR: 780
Math: 800
Writing: 720</p>

<p>Wow I have NEVER gotten an 800 on the math section on a practice test, gahhhhh sooooo happy my hands are shaking. Also relieved I won’t ever have to touch the SAT again!</p>

<p>Critical Reading: 690 (same as before)
Writing: 680 (down 10)
Math: 750 (up 80)
Overall: 2120 (up 70)</p>

<p>Couple this with a 33 on the ACT and I’m officially done with standardized tests! :D</p>

<p>Critical Reading: 780
Math: 800
Writing: 800
Overall: 2380</p>

<p>Would any controversial questions be voided by now? Does CB ever void questions post-scoring?</p>

<p>October (May):
Math: 750 (680)
Critical Reading: 730 (670)
Writing: 800 (770)
Essay: 12
Overall: 2280 (2120)</p>


<p>I’m not sure how I got two wrong on math (only one that I know of…) but I’m still very, very happy! I was hoping for over 2200 and I got it! :D</p>

<p>CR: 780 (+50)
M: 800 (+90)
W: 770 (+10)
Overall: 2350 (+150)</p>

<p>Needless to say, I’m on Cloud Nine!! This was such a big jump from my March scores, and I had expected a sub-700 score on writing, but I guess my essay graders were high. :)</p>

<p>I…am…shocked… @_@
I took this SAT feeling more tired than I did with my first one, and finished with a general feeling of having done worse… but!</p>

<p>CR: 750 –> 800
Math: 800 –> 770 (this is the section I’d expect 800 on, so I’m surprised)
Writing: 690 –> 770 (bombed essay first time)
Overall: 2240 –> 2340</p>

<p>HAPPINESS BELONGS TO ME! Also combined with the fact that the school play just had its opening night and went really, well, and my camera crew did an awesome job ^^</p>

<p>Math 800
Writing 800
CR 760
total 2360.
No idea in the world how this happened! Critical reading has always been a perfect score section for me since the PSAT last year. And math… haha I think I got a 65 on the PSAT! and I’ve made tons of stupid mistakes on every practice test I took. maybe the scantron machine was feeling nice when it graded my test.</p>

10/2009 SAT Reasoning Test<br>
Critical Reading 800 99%
Math 800 99%
Writing 750 99%
Multiple Choice 75 (score range: 20-80)<br>
Essay 9 (score range: 2-12)<br>
Check back on November 3 for your full score report, with detailed analysis! If you took the SAT Reasoning Test you’ll also be able to view a copy of the actual essay you wrote.</p>

<p>I hate the writing section…period…</p>

<p>800 Math
800 Reading
800 Writing</p>

<p>Not surprised really…</p>

<p>Just kidding, 550 Reading, 640 Math, 680 Writing, going to kill myself now.</p>

<p>Critical Reading 800 99%
Math 750 97%
Writing 800 99%
Multiple Choice 78 (score range: 20-80)<br>
Essay 10 (score range: 2-12) </p>

<li>Happy with it but wished I coulda gotten 800 on the math…I made a dumb dumb mistake on an easy problem.</li>

<p>CR: 800
Math: 770
Writing: 700 (11 essay)

<p>I hope what they say about the writing section being “worth” less is true!
Thank goodness Geogetown will never see it! :smiley:
Pretty happy…2300+ would have been nice, but I’m not complaining!</p>

<p>My scores aren’t out yet, for some reason.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me what the maximum number of mistakes you can make with this curve, to score at least >700 on every section? I hope for a higher score, but a 2100 will already make my -sort of- happy (First time, international) </p>

<p>Congratulations on all the high scores btw!</p>

<p>Math -1 is 770?!?!?!</p>

<p>Yeah, the last two SAT papers I’ve taken have had -1 = 770. On both I’ve made two stupid mistakes and I ended up with 740 and 750. So annoying!</p>

<p>This is an ignorant question, but are you guys just getting your plain scores or do you get the # incorrect as well? Just wondering if the math curve could be 800-800-770-750 instead of 800-770-750 …</p>

<p>So on the may one I got a 1950 (680M, 640CR, 630W). I spent the whole summer studying (literally!!). I burnt through the whole BB and the Princeton sat 11 book. I always did fairly well on these too. So when I logged in, I was kinda shocked to see that I only went up by 20 *@#$ points…</p>

<p>no joke I’m depressed beyond belief. I wasted a lot of time (I mean a lot!) for only 20 @#$ points. If there is a god he must really hate me…@#$ never goes my way :(</p>

<p>to Timbit: I got exactly the same scores! Did you do SAT II? What scores are you planning to apply to? Thanks</p>

<p>No it’s not. I knew about one mistake and got 750, so I gued I made two of them. But there’s no way I made another one.</p>

<p>anyone got 800 on the math section and was sure that he ha 1 mistake ?</p>

<p>This thread makes me feel so inadequate…</p>

<p>CR: 690
Math: 680
Writing: 730 (Essay: 10)</p>

<p>Total: 2100</p>

<p>This was my first time taking it.
I was really hoping for at least a 2200. Darn, now I have to retake it. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to.</p>