SAT official score reports

<p>I requested that my SAT scores by sent via rush reporting.</p>

<p>On the bottom Harvard's app status page, it says "rushed SATs are delivered daily." If you click on the Report Scores button, however, that page says "Do not use 'rush reporting' as results only arrive on paper."</p>

<p>On the CollegeBoard site, it actually shows two dates that my score reports were processed.
Maybe they were sent on paper and electronically?</p>

<p>I'm confused - does Harvard accept rush reports??</p>

<p>bump…does anyone know?</p>

<p>I rushed my SAT’s two days ago, and the website hasn’t changed since.
I also sent in my ACT 3 months ago, and the asterisk for that hasn’t been removed either, so I am guessing the admissions office isn’t updating the website regularly.</p>

<p>they probably aren’t working until after new year’s day (probably not until january 5)</p>

<p>Harvard never needs rush reporting for a test that was taking on time (by January) with Harvard listed as a score recipient. </p>

<p>The Harvard viewbook </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>is your friend. Search for the word “rush.” </p>

<p>Good luck in your applications.</p>