<p>i have taken all the blue book tests and read the whole thing. i currently stand around a 2050. I want to have at least 2200. Would subscribing to the Online course Help(for those who have subscribed to it before)?</p>
<p>It didn’t help me. Its basically the same stuff as the blue book. Buy rocket review book</p>
<p>no. The only good thing about it is the practice tests, and still, doing questions on a computer is different than with paper.</p>
<p>I took one. BIG waste of time and money. All they do is teach you “fundamentals” and is totally useless. If you have a 2050, the class will be remedial. </p>
<p>For math and writing, retake the entire blue official SAT book. The college board recycles problems every test and if you figure out the pattern/strategy you can do any of those problems.
They just reword the questions or numbers and make it seem “different”</p>
<p>Save your money.</p>
<p>I doubt tat</p>
<p>Depends on how high a score you want. I wanted a 2300+ so it was imperative I took all the practice tests/questions available. The Online Course is much more predicative of the real test than the Blue Book IMO. The Online Course includes actual real tests while the BB have tests that ETS has to make up and are therefore much easier</p>
<p>It’s really expensive though…$60 is enough to buy like a couple of other prep books</p>
<p>But if it’s real tests…that might be really helpful…hmm I’m still deciding on whether I should get that or not too</p>
<p>Would you guys recommend getting the 10 REAL SAT book instead of the ONline course? I’m sure you can find an used one online for $20 or something?</p>
<p>those “10 REAL SAT” books are going to have repeated questions and tests.</p>
<p>you might as well stick with 1 REAL SAT book and save your $$</p>
<p>^LIke it’ll have some of the questions from the BB?</p>
<p>specify what you mean by BB?</p>
<p>The Official CB Book…the Big Blue Book</p>
<p>yes. and i dont trust any book cept the college board one</p>
<p>if you already have the BB no point in buying others</p>
<p>if not, i guess you can try the 10 real sat</p>
<p>^THanks! </p>
<p>I already have the BB…and PR (not that great though)
So I think I’ll just go raid the library and check out every SAT book I can find for more practice.</p>
<p>I’ve actually never tried an online course before, but it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea if the name is not too obscure. Try looking it up to see whether that particular course helped others before subscribing. Remember, all good things come at a price</p>
<p>There are many good things that don’t cost anything, monetarily speaking.</p>
<p>Likewise, just because something comes at a price doesn’t mean it’s good.</p>
<p>oh god, don’t get me started on Princeton review</p>
<p>You can actual do what my friend did.</p>
<p>Take a friday night off. Go to books a million, or your local book store. And READ every book they have on the SAT.</p>
<p>It took him like 5 nights and he didn’t pay a dime</p>
<p>Don’t take all old sayings literally. There are exceptions, but for the most part, if something seems fishy, it probably is. In this case, it might or might not be wise to pay $60 for something that can help, but perhaps won’t. Do a little bit of research to make the most of these opportunities without falling into any obvious scams.</p>
<p>It’s a complete waste-use your 60 dollars for something more useful, like cake.</p>