SAT Physics/Chem

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I'm taking pre-AP Physics and pre-AP Chemistry right now and I'm in grade 11. I plan to take SAT Physics or Chem this June so that I have the material fresh in my head. I also found an old PR SAT physics book (2005 ed) lying around at home, so I was wondering if this is this still accurate or not? Or should I just buy a new PR review book? If the book is still accurate, then I might choose to take SAT physics instead of Chem.</p>




<p>Take a practice test for each with no studying. See which one you do best on, and then register for that test. </p>

<p>You could also take both if you feel confident. Good luck!</p>

<p>I also wanted to ask if my 2005-2006 PR SAT physics book is still accurate or not? Should I just use that book and not bother buying a new one?</p>