Sat prep help!!!

<p>Hey everyone,
I am a junior in high school at the moment. I have done absolutely no test preparation for the SAT. The last time I even took the PSAT was the beginning of my sophomore year! I can't remember my score, but I know I did very poorly. I have began to stress A LOT over SATs. Due to the financial crisis, I can't really afford to go to SAT classes or get a SAT tutor. What books should I get to study with? and where can I find them?</p>

I was thinking about taking the SAT in March with self studying whatever amount I can get in. I would then take it again in May, and if I still did poorly, I would study like crazy over the summer and take it beginning of Senior year.</li>

<p>What would you guys recommend?</p>

<p>I also found a site for free SAT prep online, how reputable is that? </p>

<p>I'm not even sure what score I'm shooting for. Currently I have a 4.6 GPA based on how my school rates it. I had 2 b's my freshman year, 2 b's my sophmore year, and so far on my junior year I have 2 b's. I want to go to UCLA and I'm not sure if I even have a chance and I think my entrance is really going to depend on these scores! So if someone could help!!!</p>

<p>And now that you know my life story... haha</p>

<p>Self-studying is fine. </p>

<p>The essential book: [The</a> Official SAT Study Guide ™](<a href=“Store App”>Store App)</p>

<p>People around here will refer to it as the Blue Book. It has 8 REAL SAT tests in it, which is the most important part. Take one a week under real conditions (timed and everything). Before you waste the 8 tests though, you should prepare. Read everything before the practice tests in the Blue Book. Figure out your weaknesses. Then, if you need to, you might want to move on to a Barron’s CR or Writing Workbook. You could also pick up AMSCO’s Math SAT book. Math and Writing seem to be the easiest sections to perfect, but I like CR because you don’t have to go into the section knowing much (unless you have a weak vocab). If you’re really willing to spend some money, you could also pay for the Online course from collegeboard. I think that’s enough to get you started. Go out and get the Blue Book. And if I were you, I wouldn’t cram for March. Take it in May or something. GL~!</p>

<p>You can make it by March. Just get the blue book and practice. Practice makes perfect.</p>