Hey guys,
I need help studying for the SAT and I’ve been considering getting the online program PrepScholar. It’s a lot cheaper than most of the SAT tutors in my area and it seems like it’s a good program. Has anyone had experience with it? What can I expect from it and is it worth the $400 price tag?
One of my friends did it and really liked it. I probably won’t do it because of the price, but if it’s something you can afford, it’s probably a good use of your money.
Why don’t you just self-study? Much more meritorious and rewarding.
hi. I unsubscribed from PrepScholar yesterday and got a refund so I can speak for this I believe.
It’s not that it’s a bad program, but I just felt like it wasn’t enough core, solid, practice. It gives you a lot of concepts, explains them really well, and then gives like 10 or so problems to solve on it so you can move onto the advanced version.
I personally never felt like studying on the computer is “studying”
but to each his own. I’d say buy a fresh brand-new copy of the blue book and do a few sections a day (I do 2, or 3 if i’m in the zone) and then mark them. Afterwards, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, review your answers. I recommend starting with math/writing because they’re much less heart-ache than CR (at least for me xP)
you’ll feel much better and feel like you’re making lots of progress.
but up to you, I wouldn’t advise AGAINST using prepscholar - i’m just trying to point out that the blue book yields undoubtedly better, more promising results. (however, the 400$ price tag includes a copy of the blue book available to be shipped to your house if you’re in the USA)
those are just my two cents