<p>yea me 2.....</p>
<p>DOes anyone remember ANYTHING else about the Mars passage other than the second passage cited new information?</p>
<p>wait goodcolleges u put recalcitrant?</p>
<p>i don't understand. how was it mild cynicism towards the critics. passage two had a positive view of the stand up comedians, but the critics in passage two had a negative view, just like that of passage one.</p>
<p>why do you think it was mild cynicism</p>
<p>i dont remember recalitrant but vocab is my weakest part of CR...i dont remeber why i put mild cynicism cause i dont remember the passage that well</p>
<p>for the mars one did u put topograpical vs.... or geographical vs.... w/e when it asked how the passages relate...i dont remeber the choices</p>
<p>yea does anyone remeber anything from the mars passage</p>
<p>i put topographical vs some other thing</p>
<p>another question was....</p>
<p>what do the discovery in the begginin of passage one and the end of passage two support about mars.</p>
<p>cool...thats what i put</p>
<p>i think i said something about water existing there or sumthin....dont remember</p>
<p>r u talking about the one tht was .04x-.03x or w/e</p>
<p>yea, that was probobly the answer</p>
<p>for the passage about being lost and such....</p>
<p>the last question of the passage - what feeling do the quotations at the end of the passage suggest?</p>
<p>^ it meant something about how he had the added benefit.</p>
<p>It was 200 i think.</p>
<p>yea (10 char.)</p>
<p>yea i messed it up....i put 2000...because i thought it was .004x-.003x</p>
<p>A detailed response to "zspot9":</p>
<p>Answers I believe to be correct
Forten (the black businessman in Philadelphia)
[<em>]"evidence like this": gives concrete details about business transactions
[</em>]man of trade - "trade": "profession"
[<em>]"attend to": "look after"
[</em>]what would help researchers: documents detailing relations with clients
[li]something about how his answer to the census showed him "balancing competing interests"[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>Visual imagery/the mind completes images/constellations
[<em>]name of constellation in southern hemisphere = "drawing compass"
[</em>]when he says something like "i still look in wonder at the constellations...i learned long ago to pick out so-and-so constellations" - he DID NOT show a connection to the Greeks and DID NOT reminisce about childhood days, he was talking about his ability to see something in the night sky
<p>Women in art/Genius/aristocrats and art
[<em>]Picasso/Pablita showed "parents might do something differently (teach/act) based on gender of child"
[</em>]when he says "even if not equipped with a flock of sheep" his tone was wry
[li]Passage 1 would say Passage 2's assertion that "weathermen are cut from the same cloth...supposed to maintain while the world around them is in danger blah blah" is "not entirely accurate"[/li][/ul]</p>
[<em>]Complex machine needs REDUNDANCY
[</em>]Dividing political regions is GERRYMANDERING
MC: woman's shoe size = 7; the distance between B and C on the triangle laid over the stream = 120/root(3); number of points that y = absval(x) has in common with y = x^2 is 3; if line has (j, k) and (2j, 2k), function is y = k/j x; 10 digit number, every digit has to be either a 4 or a 5, the number can never be prime; if hypotenuse is 2 greater than sum of legs, then root(x^2 + y^2) = x + y + 2
<p>Answers I have issues with</p>
constellations/mind completing images:
- when he goes from talking about how the mind completes images to talking about how "maybe the mind does this to fulfill a subconscious need for completion and the mind something something nothingness" he goes from scientific explanation to psychoanalytic
<p>No, this was neurological to psychological. There was a lot of analysis about the physical effect of such imagery. </p>
- Michaelangelo could do work "quickly and with ease"
<p>No, this is incorrect. There was nothing in the passage about the speed of execution, and the wording of the two sentences had something to do with the Master leaving. Thus, it's "work best alon."</p>
- Larry was "transparently incensere"
<p>No, he's just atypical. Where do you get 'insincere' from!?</p>
Grid-ins: area of shaded region in illustration with 3 squares = 3/16; the one with the parabola had a vertex at (5, -4) and it asked one value where y = 0, i put 2.94, idk if this is right (my function was y = x^2 - (81/8)x + (169/8), which satisifies the requirement that f(1) = f(9) = 12)
hahahahahaha why did you do a regression with only two points</p>
<p>2.94 is never an SAT answer. 3, 7 are the real answers.
if its not in list X, its not in list Y (contrapositive)
<p>And this is my biggest issue with your 'answers'. You misunderstand the concept of the contrapositive:</p>
<p>If p, then q.
If not q, then not p. (contrapositive)</p>
<p>If q, then p. (converse)
If not p, then not q. (inverse)</p>
<p>The answer is If it's not in list y, it's not in list x, which is the definition of the contrapositive. Look it up. You're giving the inverse of the statement, which is the contrapositive of the converse, which is not necessarily true.</p>
<p>i almost put topographical vs meteorological or w/e it was, but i think i put intuitive or something... does anyone remember the other choices?</p>