<p>So, I have run into a bit of a dilemma. I have taken the sat 3 times in march, november, and december all in 2014. None of my scores by themselves are that impressive as the highest I've gotten on a single test is 1870, but superscored I have a 1970. I was leaning toward just submitting the last two, but I wanted to look for other insight. However I am unsure of what scores to send as some of my sections were not that good. I am also applying to many reaches and I am african american. My gpa is a 3.3 uw. I also have lists of my college choices in previous threads if that helps.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 590
Math: 690
Writing: 590 essay 8</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 550
Math: 680
Writing: 640 essay 9</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 590
Math: 740
Writing: 510 essay not known yet but likely low</p>