SAT scores follow you through life...?

<p>my mom keeps telling me my SAT scores will follow me even when i'm applying for jobs in the future and will be on my resume. i have a feeling she's just trying to freak me out though haha. </p>

<p>anyone know if its true?</p>

<p>Well, the difference between college and applying for jobs is that employer will not ask you for your official SAT scores.</p>

<p>God you're gullible.</p>

<p>No. No employer, or anybody past your college admissions office, will ever care about your SAT scores.</p>

<p>A couple of internships I've been applying for are asking for SAT/ACT scores. This could be a fine line between applying for a job and being give a job through internships.</p>

<p>But past college, they're useless.</p>

<p>Unless your spouse likes to bring them up, along with college GPA...30 years after the fact...:p</p>

<p>The reality is that there are actually employers who will ask you for your SAT, LSAT, GMAT and GRE scores. The extent to which they matter is debateable, but they will ask for them. I assume that the extent to which employers ask for this score information varies from field to field. In mine, it is not terribly uncommon.</p>

<p>Nobody cares about your SAT score after freshman orientation. </p>

<p>I hope it DOES follow you through life because I rocked the SATs. Not to brag or anything.</p>

<p>Honestly, after you get the big envelope no one cares. I wish they did, I'd be making a lot more money now...</p>

<p>i met the girl of my dreams once. if only my reading comprehension was a slightly higher quartile, she might not have been the one that got away...</p>


<p>what will your children say when you tell them you only got a 2350 on your SATs? </p>


<p>After high school, nobody ever talked about SAT scores again.</p>

<p>investment banking cared(used to)</p>

<p>they will almost certainly not be requested after your sophomore year in college; however, you could of course argue that what school you attend depends on your SAT scores, and what jobs you will get depends on what school you went to.</p>

<p>GPA follows you through your entire life!</p>