SAT Scores for OOS Pitt Merit

An admission issue. Early by - Nov Is fine. If they start to fill up a major etc. you want to be in early. They don’t hold money back according to them. Just be in by end Nov.

I don’t know if you’ve had a kid go through college yet but the other thing is with so many decisions coming late but other friends applying to quick turn around schools, it’s nice to get one acceptance in the bank.

But it doesn’t have to be first thing. Make sure you do the app properly vs rushing.

It may have changed but we did Honors separately later after applying because we wanted her app in and she was WL for Honors. That said, you can take Honors classes without being in Honors.

My daughter had a few friends with similar ir better stats. All got in. None got a $$.

So that should be the expectation. But if money comes, lucky for you.

Did you see the FAQ?

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Chances are better earlier for rolling and answers are returned more quickly at Pitt. AOs will tell you in their information sessions to apply by mid-September because their volume increases dramatically after and because they consider early applications as demonstrated interest.


I would get the application in in Aug, mid Sept. At the latest. Kids i know were waitlisted and branched and they applied mid-October. Pitt has doubled in the number of applications they receive in recent years. Imo, if you want an acceptance and first merit consideration, apply super early!


I see submitting scores if above the 75th percentile. Is that just for merit consideration? I have seen a lot of websites say submit your scores as long as it is above the 25th percentile / middle 50% range. Trying to figure out if it is worth submitting a 1310 to Pitt (not expecting merit).


In the old days - like 3 years ago - they said a 33 act was the minimum. So 1360 would be well below.

So if submitting I can’t imagine merit.

But I’m only talking from a merit, not admission perspective.

I would put your best foot forward for entrance. Merit is uncommon.

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Applying early will give her an acceptance early on. Unless things changed, merit (if awarded) will come at a later date.

From what I understand, merit is getting harder each year. It is hard to say what your daughter may get.


That decision will depend on a lot of factors: college/major at Pitt, in state vs OOS, timing of application, etc.

In the past, I would also have added whether or not the student was an URM, but post-SCOTUS decision I would instead say to put that score in the context of the student’s high school.


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to figure out. It would be Nursing, in-state, and applying like August 2nd. Good public high school and pretty good academic rigor (3 Honors Freshman, 3 Honors and 1 AP Soph, 4 Honors and 2 AP Junior with 6 classes each year). Decent extracurriculars and a great essay. The tough part is that she wants to do Nursing.

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I am going to DM you so we don’t take over this thread.

It’s been my experience that public universities aren’t generous with merit to in state students, they’re trying to attract OOS students away from their cheaper in state colleges. My kids got merit at every school they applied to except for their in state flagship.

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What is a URM?

Nevermind justoccurred to ne its under represented minority :slight_smile:

URM…underrepresented minority. But since this can no longer be considered in college admissions…it might not be a boost any longer at some places where it was in the past.

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Im very familiar with the Common App from my son’s collwge app cycle 2 years ago. How does Pitt’s own application differ from the Common app other than the personal statement for Pitt app is 750 words and Common App is 650 words? With guidance at her school being off for the summer, slightly concerned with linking the common app to Naviance so thinking Pitt’s own app might be easier ?

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DS20 was applying to Pitt’s School of Computing as a putative financial safety step-up from our in-state flagship based on the reports on CC of near-universal full-tuition merit offers for top students in the prior years.

Despite his perfect ACT & GPA and a number of prestigious national and international academic awards, he was offered zero aid, honors admission notwithstanding.

That same year there were reports of students with decidedly lower stats receiving some aid, and my perception at the time, based on the limited data on CC, was that they started shifting their merit aid towards more attracting desired demographics.


I would not submit a 1310 for Nursing to be honest. My D went test optional (with a 27 ACT) for Nursing. This is just my anecdotal evidence of course.


My PSA for today. If your child applied early to Pitt, have them check their Document portal as it seems decisions are being released earlier than communicated - my daughter got hers on August 29th (based on the date on the letter), but no email or snail mail announcement. She just happened upon it when checking to see if they received all her documents (apparently, they did!!).