Sat Subject Test: Chemistry Discussion June 2016

This thread is for the chemistry subject test.

Does anyone who has taken the test already know if the princeton review or the barrons tests are more accurate?

I think the Princeton Review test are definitely more accurate. I took the Math Sat 2 in May, and I had the barron’s and princeton review, and after taking the test, princeton review was def more accurate in my opinion.

Thats what I thought at first, but one of the princeton review practice tests was waaay too hard.

Hey everybody,

does anyone know how to determine whether a substance is a good oxidizing/reducing agent without knowing any chemical reactions? Thx

For example, Princeton Review says H2O2 is good oxidizing agent, but how could you know?

what did u get for the one which said that there was gas collected on water
and which quantity is most likely not to be measured?

It’s probably the mass of the tube, but I chose making the water level the same.

What came on the test?

How was the test


@bobthebuilder12 I also said the water level choice, but I think it’s the mass of the tube

What did you guys think the curve will be? 79=800?

@Acez4Dayz probably lower, I know a lot of people found it difficult

really?! I know I got 3 wrong and was only unsure about like 3 more so if 78/85=800 that would be awesome. Has it ever been that low before? 78/85?

@Acez4Dayz in the barron’s book 75/85 was an 800, and they also had a blurb that said usually the scale is even more charitable on the actual sat

Oh boy, that was a bit harder than I expected. I chose mass of the tube

Chemistry curve is usually not to generous. Usually it’s around 79/80 for 800

What did you guys think?

Test in 1 day, discuss any last minute questions here

was the one with ethanol and NaCl solubilizes TTCE?