Sat subject test score choice for UCs?

<p>ok, here’s my dilemma: I took 4 subject tests in total, 3 of which I’m content with my score. However, one of them i scored a 580 in, and I was wondering that when applying to UC schools, does score choice allow me to hide the 580 or do i have to send every test date like the SAT 1s? thank you</p>

<p>no, you have to submit all scores to UCs</p>

<p>I have the same dilemma, too. Will they know if we use score choice? If we use it, will they know? Because I got really good scores on 3 of them, but 600 on the last one! So I want to hide it…</p>

<p>The UCs only consider the two highest scores. If I remember correctly, the admissions people don’t even SEE your other scores.</p>

<p>I’m confused about this too because on their application they only have one box for scores for each test you take.</p>

<p>so is the final answer to send every single score from every test date for every subject tests? does anyone know?</p>

<p>what i am doing is just putting my highest for each in the box provided and then just sending everything.</p>

<p>just list them all. Trust that they will see only the two highest scores.</p>

<p>bump. ok so i know that we’re supposed to report all of them, but on the application can i just list my highest scores, and then through collegeboard send all of them?</p>

<p>^Yes, you can.</p>

<p>won’t they think that you’re making your application look deceiving?</p>

<p>No. They clearly say that they only consider your highest scores, so there is no need to self-report all scores. Your **official score report **must contain all scores. Do remember that the UCs do NOT superscore, though, so the scores you list on your application must be from a single sitting.</p>

<p>There’s really no point in trying to hide a score from them since they’ll see it anyways. However, they only consider the top 2 scores. I would just list them all in order to avoid looking “deceiving” as jsb put it.</p>

<p>So does that mean that, for example, you had:</p>

<p>Math II: 300
Math II: 800
Literature: 300
Literature: 700
Bio: 200
Bio: 650</p>

<p>That you can choose to send in just your Math II & Literature score under SAT II tests? Or are you saying the top two in each section? (Here being ALL the scores listed.) Or are we still submitting all scores, and it’s just a matter of putting the top two in our application itself?</p>

<p>The way it works is that, on the UC app, you already indicated your highest SAT and SAT II Scores.</p>

<p>The reason why All Scores should be sent, is because they don’t really care about your other scores. They just want to see that you told the truth about the score you received on your tests.</p>

<p>so don’t put ugly SAT II scores on your UC app? just your top two highest? </p>

<p>it’d be GREAT to get proof of this. maybe from a UC rep or info from the website somewhere? :D</p>

<p>and andrea, i’m pretty sure your first option was the correct interpretation. unless i’ve been thinking wrong this whole time :P</p>


<p>Don’t know where the hostility is from, but while filling out the UC App and watching the video tutorials, they basically asked you to list your highest SAT II scores. After all, they only list one blank box for each test.</p>

<p>haha, Serafina, I’m afraid you might have misinterpreted my enthusiasm for exasperation. :)</p>

<p>Actually, I thought you made a wonderful point. But as I’m only applying to UC’s, I’d love to get documented proof and avoid the chance of complete rejection because of a lack of honesty. Yikes!</p>

<p>Btw, when you say “highest scores” do you mean “top two highest” or “the highest score from each subject area”?</p>


<p>Sorry about that! Sometimes CC can get so snarky that general good cheer is mistaken for bitter sarcasm XD It was also very late, so pardon me.</p>

<p>Highest score from each subject area taken, from what I remember. I tried to submit two scores from the same SAT II test, but it wouldn’t let me DX But I only took two subject tests, so I only submitted two scores. Make sense?</p>