<p>To anyone who's taking any one of these tests this Saturday (or has taken them):
What are you doing between now and Saturday? (Or what did you do?)
(This is more for people who have already taken it) How hard are Lit and Level 2.
How many practice tests should I take now? (I've already taken two for US and did a lot of practice questions in Barron's for Lit and PR for Math Level 2).</p>
<p>to hell with the Literature test. Got a 610 the first time I took it, did practice in the Kaplan book, improved with 6/8 tests to 650, then mid 700’s, and just took the 6th one today and got a ****ING 610! Missed all the questions for one particular poem, to add to my nervousness about taking the saturday exam</p>
<p>US: I’m taking that on Saturday! I’ve taken 3 practice tests so far (and gotten a frustrating 720 on all 3 of them) and done the Collegeboard practice questions on their site. I’m planning on taking another practice test tomorrow!</p>
<p>Math 2: I got an 800 last June! It’s honestly not that bad if you KNOW your pre-calc/trig stuff. There is NO calculus at all, so don’t worry about that. If you’re using the Barron’s prep book and aren’t getting as high as you would like, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT. Barron’s was much harder than the actual test, so using that book helped me breeze through the actual test! </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I haven’t taken lit., but I heard it was like the SAT critical reading on steroids. As for Math2, it’s not that difficult. It has a very generous curve, and as long as you had a precalc course (that you remember!) and are good at using your calculator, it isn’t too hard to do well. (got an 800 after doing one practice test the day before)</p>
<p>For US History, I read the Princeton review an it was sufficient but I also took APUSH and didn’t really need to study much. I took it last month and got a 740. I thought that it was easier than the AP exam was but you should review the info before 1700 and after 1960 because they have a larger focus on that than the AP exam. In general, you’ll do great if you took APUSH and did well. Good luck!</p>