<p>So I took the SAT for my third and last time in Jan. My scores have been as follows.</p>
<p>First Sitting - Oct 08
CR - 680
M - 690
W - 670</p>
<p>Second Sitting - Dec 08
CR - 680 (The same)
M - 750 (Went up!)
W - 600 (Major drop!!!)</p>
<p>Third Sitting - Jan 09
CR - 700 (Went up a tiny bit, at least it's 700)
M - 720 (Went down! Stupid math curve)
W - 640 (Up from before, down overall)</p>
<p>My superscore would be 2120, with each section coming from a different sitting
CR - 700 (3rd)
M - 750 (2nd)
W - 670 (1st)</p>
<p>I am applying for junior transfer, it should also be worth noting, I never took the SAT in highschool. How would the colleges view the wide range of scores in math/writing, and the fact that the superstore is borrowed from different sections? Essentially, I'm worried about the fact that math went down on the third sitting, and that writing overall went down.</p>
<p>Can anyone with admissions experience offer their opinion? Thanks.</p>
<p>i think youve spent waaay too much time working/worrying about your sat scores. for a junior transfer, sat scores are of minimal importance, if they are of any importance at all. on top of that, im not sure how much weight schools would place on scores taken three years after most people take them</p>
<p>the fact that you are worrying that your math score went down 30 points between your second and third sittings is absurd.</p>
<p>I agree SATs are of minimal importance for junior transfers, nonetheless, I’m sweating bullets because it is somewhat important for the application. As a busi/econ major, the drop in math is a bit disappointing. However, my biggest concern is regarding the writing score, which did not improve after 2 sittings (went down instead). Hopefully they will just superscore from the three settings, and evaluate this score as is.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input. At least I can now say I’m done with the SAT. :)</p>
Do you mean that super scores are all that matters? Because there are a number of instances where individual scores matter more than the composite. As well, many schools still ignore the writing score.</p>
<p>For example, for a student with lopsided scores - such as very strong math score and a mediocre verbal - the admissions committee may be far more interested in the math score for a potential Engineering/Math/Science/Econ major. The converse is true for a potential humanities major.</p>
<p>Duffle, who has told you SAT scores are of minimal importance for junior transfers? I have a hard time believing that and asked 2 adcom this week. While hardly a statistical sample, they both told me emphatically that they are very important. Especially for anyone coming from a school ranked much below the schools they are applying to. I know some schools, especially state schools and schools like USC that take a ton of transfers, don’t look at them, but I think many consider them important.</p>
<p>it may be important when you are transferring up to a top 20 school, since they accept so few transfers to begin with and they may use it as a deciding factor if two students have comparable GPAs and Ecs… i assume.</p>
<p>hmom, on a different board, you implied a “good” SAT score was around the accepted freshman median (or higher of course). If you simply take my superscore, despite the fact that I took the test 3 times with a wide range of scores, 1450/2120 (my score) is slightly higher than median scores of the schools I am applying to. Surely my score wouldn’t have a negative impact on my chances, correct?</p>