<p>The sentence completion section is such a pain for me.</p>
<p>For each CR section, I got about 1-2 questions wrong (occationally 3) from the entire reading questions, but at the same time I got 1-2 questions (sometimes even 3) wrong from the vocab part.</p>
<p>Anyways I ordered DIRECT HITS from Amazon because my local bookstores don't have it. And I doubt if they are gonna come bfr the Jan SAT since it says that the books are gonna come between Jan 19-Jan 26.</p>
<p>I pretty much know all the words from the yellow flashcards at the back of Barrons, and RocketView Core Vocab. However, everytime I try to remember the vocabs, I ususally just roughly grasp the meanings of the words instead of going in depth. I guess that causes problems when I am doing the sentence completion questions since sometimes I even have second guessing about the meaning of the words I already knew. </p>
<p>Remembering vocabs gives me such a headache. Every time I don't feal like rememerbering them, I would just read a book or magazine. </p>
<p>The Jan SAT is only 3 weeks away. And without the help from Direct Hits, anyone has any suggestions for me about what I should do???</p>
<p>Learn root words, prefixes and suffixes.</p>
<p>I’ll second the suggestion about roots, prefixes and suffixes, but it sounds like more than anything, you just need to feel confident! There’s NO WAY you’re going to be able to learn every possible word that could be on the test, and you’re also not going to be able to learn the exact definition of every word you do study, either. Making educated guesses based on what you DO know is always going to be part of your arsenal, so resign yourself to it and move on
It’s perfectly fine to guess, and don’t constantly second guess your guesses! </p>
<p>You do seem to have a pretty good idea, though, why you’re having trouble. Vocab is so much more difficult when it’s not associated with anything meaningful, and that’s where flashcards can get you into trouble. The only thing you associate a flashcard with is the cards that appear before and after it
Direct Hits does do a good job of making the words meaningful, and you’ll definitely get those words down when they arrive! Personally, I don’t think Direct Hits gives you enough words, though. My recommendation to my students is a website called word-nerd.com - the words are organized by category to make them meaningful. It also would be available to you immediately, unlike the books you’re waiting on! But, if this is your first shot at the SAT (and I’m guessing it is since you’re taking it in January), don’t stress too much about it. You’ve got tons of time to get your vocab up to speed! Lots of luck.</p>
<p>As those websites offer a variety of words, they do cost money.
One of the websites that I use is: [5000</a> FREE SAT Vocabulary Words + SAT Test Prep Math Notes](<a href=“SAT Vocabulary: SAT words with Definitions, Parts of Speech, Sentences, Meaning. Also Math Practices”>http://www.freevocabulary.com/)
This website has 5,000 SAT words, and an optional feature that you can pay for that provides you with an audio for each word. I acquired the audio vocab and it kind of helped, as all it does is read the word and definition but lacks example sentences.
Additionally, freerice.org is a fun and supportive way to practice your vocab. It gives you a word and you are supposed to pick one of four synonyms that match it. Additionally, with every correct correlation, it donates ten grains of rice to World Food Program.</p>
<p>I used this site [<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/1-on-1][/url”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com/1-on-1][/url</a>] for studying roots, prefixes, etc. as well as general vocab. It has a very comprehensive list and helps you study them. This helped me a lot when I was studying for the SAT.</p>
<p>Reading can also help you learn more words, but I would say that’s inefficient.</p>