Sat waitlist

Hello, I am on a Sat Subject Test waitlist. Can someone explain to me what does it mean? Will someone inform me whether I can take the SAT or not?

Yeah, you will be able to take the test but if the room is full and they don’t have a test for you,obviously, you won’t be able to take it. The priority goes with the students that pay before the deadline.

Somone will phone me earlier if I can come or take the test or I will find out on the test day?

Just be early there. Sometimes when there are available room, the proctors select the first students to arrive to the test center.

All of the times that I have come and taken the SAT, the room was not even close to full. Come on time or before everyone and try to get your spot. I’m sure you will get in.

did u get a seat then? I’d like to know because I am in the same situation now (wailisted for Oct SAT)

It depends where you take it and if they have room for you. Some places are full and some of them aren’t. I remember when I was on the waitlist, the proctor was taking notes for the person who went first. I was first but other people who were like the last one couldn’t take it. Oct is likely to be full, but try to be early and you probably will get a spot. Good luck!

Do you still rememebr when you were charged after you took the test