<p>I will be attempting to learn about 100 words per day for the next month. Join me in the quest and play a game with me. </p>
<p>Post word challenges in the following format:
Which of the following words does not belong?
A) palaver B) expound C) prate</p>
<p>Answer: B, "expound," because the other two words have to do with speaking about trivial matters at length, whereas expound implies more thoughtful discourse.</p>
<p>Alternatively, you could just give the definitions and a shorter explanation. Try to challenge yourself and solve the problem with prior knowledge before you check your answer with Dictionary</a> and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online . Use words that are not considered slang or archaic by Merriam-Webster.</p>
<p>Anyhow, when you post an answer, also post one or more questions. Try to post at least one very difficult one each time you respond.</p>
<p>I'll start us off with a few puzzles that are very difficult (in my opinion):</p>
<p>Which word does not belong in each of the following sets of words?</p>
<li>A) comestible B) esculent C) cracker jack</li>
<li>A) expostulation B) paean C) encomium</li>
<li>A) cognoscente B) philistine C) maven</li>
<p>You may post a different sort of puzzle if you'd like to, or just post some of your favorite words that you've learned that day.</p>