SAT World History - How to conquer this?

<p>Any words of wisdom?</p>

<p>When do you plan on taking the exam? The SAT II for World History is only offered on December 6 (or should I say was) and June 6, 2009. So if you decide to take it in June, I’d recommend getting the Barron’s book. I took the test in December and hadn’t had World History in 4 years…it helped a lot! =)</p>

<p>Hi: When you say Barron’s book? Is it for SAT or AP? I am going for June 6th exam. Thanks</p>

<p>SAT Subject Test. However looking at an AP World History book wouldn’t be bad either, for the extra practice. </p>

<p>P.S. I don’t know if it’s possible for you, but I’d recommend buying the book (or two, if you choose) then cramming in a two-week period, but NOT writing in the book. That way you can return it after the exam to the bookstore and get $15 back. Once again, I’m not sure if this is possible for you. But I started to get into doing this wilth all of my standardized tests, it makes me feel like I’m spending less money haha.</p>

<p>Hi Casey, I am taking AP World Hostory and I am using the PR book for it. I will check into SAT WH by Barron’s. I would supplement the SAT with the AP. LOL! Thanks</p>

<p>If you want 700+… Get Kaplan as a main one, and study images and excerpts from Barrons.</p>

<p>if you want to get 700+, get BARRONS and forget kaplan, i just cant overemphasize the usefullness of barrons, simply awesome (SAT 2 and AP version i about the same, although I used the SAT version)</p>

<p>^ Barrons on any subject is overprep… Overprep is timewasting. And latest edition of Barrons has some mistakes in it.</p>

<p>i wouldnt say its overprep, its very usefull for the 10-20 nitpicky questions on the test</p>

<p>what mistakes are you talking about? I know about some spelling mistakes, but so what?
I say get barrons and the official 2 tests for world history, and then youll be fine!</p>

<p>No, not spelling :slight_smile: some factual mistakes… I can’t point them out now, gave the book back to library.
I am not American, I live in a country with totally different school system, and no honors, APs, etc… I knew world history on the level required here, but it’s not math – you need to prepare if it is test created in another country. So I just took Kaplan and began reading, supplementing with pictures and excerpts from Barrons. On the actual test, there were maybe 2 questions not covered by Kaplan, which one could still answer knowing general trends (which ARE in Kaplan). Barrons has a lots of names and data in bold, supposedly highlighted for important one, but 90% of it is not on the test… So it is up to you, really, if 10-20 points matter that much - you can take Barrons and spend 4 times more time on it. I got a 710, and most of my mistakes were 50-50, I wasn’t sure which one to chose simply because didn’t remember it good enough, I do not have any problems with Kaplan’s material :)</p>

<p>heh I got a 750 with little prep cuz i watch history channel! XD. I picked up Kaplan’s guide, found 3 factual errors and decided i was better off on my own :P</p>