
<p>How could collegeboard schedule a test on Oct 9th and release only some of the scores on Oct 28th and ask the remainder to check back on November 5th. Some students will receive scores prior to ea or ed deadlines while other students are disadvantaged by receiving their scores after the deadline date. I am sure collegeboard runs into this problem every year. You would think that they would adjust their schedule to avoid this problem. All they would have to do is move the test date from Oct 9 to Oct 2 and this problem would be resolved. Granted I understand that some tests need to be reviewed for various reasons but they should allow for that and release all tests scores at the same time prior to the ea/ed Nov 1 deadline. Every year they must be bombarded with irate parents and students who are asked to wait until after the ed deadline to receive their scores. </p>

<p>My solution seems simple enough.</p>

<p>I thought I should update. Collegeboard reported the scores by 2pm today. Problem resolved and I am happy.:)</p>

<p>^^Glad to hear it! I totally understand your concern about this, maybe the CB got enough responses to release everything ASAP.</p>