<p>Hey guys,
I'm currently trying to decide whether I want to take the SATII Math 1 test, or the math 2 test. </p>
<p>I'm currently in calc AB and doing well, but my dilemma rests on the math program i've been in for the past four years. It's an alternative math program (IMP- Interactive Mathematics Program) that avoids formulas and tries to teach through a lot of "real world" examples and creative thinking about math. The result is that there are a lot of basic math concepts/equations/rules that I just don't quite have down. However, a lot of them I'd probably be able to pick up pretty easily if I just do some self studying. </p>
<p>So my question is, which of the SATII math tests should I take? I'm planning to major in history, btw, so I'm not trying to impress adcoms with advanced math skill or something. Also, is it true that the math 1 test has a really awful curve?</p>
<p>Finally, for either of these tests, what prep books would you recommend?</p>
<p>Thanks so much, guys!</p>