<p>Hi guys, just a little question.
I'll be taking my subject tests one day and I didn't decide yet which Math I should take.
I have the Subject Test bluebook and I tried both of them already. I'm a Junior in high school and here is what it's like :</p>
<p>I think Math I is pretty doable and I manage to score at above 700 points without preparation for now.
But I do have quite some trouble with some Math II questions. This might be because I didn't have some of the topics of Math II in school (i.e Matrices, complex numbers and secant). However, I still have plenty of time since I'll be taking the Subject Test approx. in late 2015.</p>
<p>If anyone wonders why I didn't have that stuff in school -> I'm attending high school in Europe.</p>
<p>So, I read in the forums that Math I is considered "bad" or "incredibly easy" but how is it really like?
Is an application with SAT Math II 800 so much better than one with SAT Math I 800? Is it worth the effort? </p>
<p>Considering I'll eventually take the Math II, I heard that the Barrons prep book is pretty good. Thoughts?</p>