SATII Physics- recommendations for prep books

<p>Hey, I'm preparing for the physics subject test in December and wanted to know which prep book(s) I should buy to prepare. Which ones seemed most accurate and helpful for those of you who have taken the test and done well?</p>

<p>Also, what topics do you think are most difficult and come up most on the test. any advice you want to give would be great. thanks!</p>

<p>So, after looking through past posts, this is what I've concluded about which books are the best, which are the worst:</p>

<li> Spark Notes ("spot on")</li>
<li> Princeton Review (pretty accurate?)</li>
<li> College Board (accuarte b/c it is past tests, but there arn't many)</li>
<li> Barrons (only because it's really hard)</li>
<li> McGraw-Hill (too easy)</li>
<li> Kaplan (way too easy)</li>

<p>I mainly need a book to learn the concepts and take practice tests. So, let me know what you think. </p>
