Saturday classes at GWU?

I am applying to GWU and was looking at the academic calendar and it looks like they include Saturdays as days they have classes, is this correct, do they hold classes on Saturdays?

You can search courses by day (or many other ways) at GWU’s online course schedule/calendar

My child has never had a Sat class. Fridays also are “light” on classes

There are very, very few Saturday classes. I made it through all of undergrad without taking any. However, grad school does have some 1-credit weekend classes, depending on your program.

I’m a current GW student and I have never met an undergrad with classes on Saturday unless it was a sports elective like horseback riding or HIIT training that they chose to take. No need to worry about that! Most classes are any combination of Monday-Thursday and there are definitely fewer on Fridays. I’m a second semester junior and haven’t had a Friday class since my freshman year, which wasn’t intentional.