<p>by finally finishing up all the homework i couldn't do bc i was on CC 24/7</p>
lol, make your multicast rate low and change your channel to something other than 1, 6, or 11, and your wifi should reach
<p>We are SO hanging out when I get to Stanford ;)
(when.. or if.. lol)</p>
<p>LOLOL you're a fellow tech geek too? yay!</p>
<p>I work at an ISP, so yeah, I know a few things =)
I just upgraded my house-connection to a 1.5mbit-dsl and set up a WAP -- high-speed surfing on the back patio watching a sunset is utterly sweet. In fact, one of the first things I checked into about Stanford was whether or not they have wireless internet... ;)</p>
<p>Since we're talking about WiFis.....i have a 802.11b wireless router in my room but my laptop 'net stops working as soon as I take it out of my room (like...it works at the doorframe...then i take a step out and it stops working). Is this abnormal or is 802.11b wireless supposed to be this weak (router and wifi card are on default settings).</p>
<p>depends how large your room is;)</p>
<p>im in md...so im assuming tuesday/wednesday at the earliest for me. USPS.com gives me 3 days certain =/</p>
<p>Celebration? I am taking all of my friends out to a sushi dinner at a fancy Japanese restaurant in town. </p>
<p>SCHOOL NIGHT BE DARNED. We will party the night away with cucumber rolls and japanese sodas (how DO they get that marble in there?!)</p>
<p>And if I'm rejected, I will resign myself to dreaming of Stanford.... oh the horror.</p>