Say a prayer for my mom

<p>So sorry, thoughts remain with you to keep you strong.</p>

<p>I’m very sad to hear the news about your mom and hope the best for your family. IIRC, you lost your dad a few months ago, so this is even more hard on you and your family. Best wishes to y’all.</p>

<p>{{{HUGS}}} </p>

<p>M2CK-thinking of you today and so glad you are with her. I have been coming back to this thoughout the last day…please know that many, many people who you will never know are holding you up in their prayers and thoughts.</p>

<p>I have been in this exact situation. I was so comforted to be able to hold my mom’s hand after her big stroke. Whenever I said “I love you” I would squeeze her (stronger)hand, three times. At one point, she regained a little consciousness, and she very, VERY lightly squeezed back, three times. It was the only way she could communicate, but it was such a gift to me and my brothers.</p>

<p>Sending comfort and sincere thoughts to you in California. {{{HUGS}}}</p>

<p>May God give you and your family strength during this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers, Mom2.</p>

<p>M2CK, you and your family are definitely in out prayers. God bless</p>

<p>so sorry to hear this news. : (</p>


<p>So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts are with you & your family.</p>

<p>I have added you and your family to our prayer list M2CK…thoughts and prayers are with you.</p>

<p>Thank you all.</p>

<p>Right now, all 7 of the kids are with my mom. We’ve tearfully told her that if she wants to go and be with Dad we’ll be ok. She is unresponsive. My dad passed last year and she’s missed him dearly (married over 55 years).</p>

<p>So sorry Joan. I am thankful that you have such a large family to lean on during this time. Many people’s prayers are with you and your family.</p>

<p>Thinking of you Joan in this difficult time. Sending lots of love and admiration. </p>


<p>Praying for you, and for your family. My parents went within three months of each other just three years ago. No matter how old you are, it hurts so much. God be with you.</p>

<p>I don’t keep up with CC as much these days so I was saddened to read that one of our most supportive and giving people is being challenged in other ways.</p>

<p>I’m so thankful your family can be together and I have you and your family on my prayer list.</p>

<p>Prayers to you and your family- My grandmother had a small one then the BIG one and we had to let her go- it was so sad-- glad that you have such a big family-</p>

<p>Yes, that’s what’s going on here. this latest stroke is too major to recover from. We’re sitting with her and we know that it won’t be long til she passes.</p>

<p>Sending you and your family prayers of love and peace…</p>

<p>Mom2 - so sorry to hear this news. Glad your family can be together at this time to bring comfort to each other. {{{hugs}}}</p>

A lot of us are thinking of you tonight. Your thoughtfulness for all the posters here is so appreciated, I wish we could do something for you.</p>

<p>I’ve had you and your mom on my prayer list for several days. Will continue to lift both of you up. May you all have peace.</p>