Say It Here Because You Can't Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition)

I really don’t want to go to SCU. It’s not bad, I just…don’t.
Ugh. I need to study for SAT II tests but…ugh.

I think I’m getting more and more passive-aggressive just by being in the same room as my German teacher for about an hour a day.

Why are Freshmen so immature? Ugh. >:(

How did I hurt you ;-;

Stop holding on so hard :I

I feel so nauseated. I think about studying and AP exams and registering for dual enrollment and talking to my counselor and my overdue homework and state tests and I just want to vomit. The stress is so overwhelming that I’ve just started ignoring everything. Can I just hurry up and fail miserably at everything so I can get on with the process of getting over it?

Dear math teacher:
Yeah I know one kid got a perfect score on our last calculus test, but the rest of us got Ds and Fs. I don’t see why it’s necessary to put material that you didn’t even cover on it just to get back at the kid who acts up in class. Can you just freaking curve it or give us a retest?


Adrenaline: you gotta GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Sleep deprivation: don’t listen to him. Sleep for 10 years.

Argh, why do you have to ‘confide’ in me like that?

Why do people insist on blocking the hallways by stopping and talking to their friends. Some of us have classes to get to. ~X(

I hate those conversations when there is no “right” thing to say and any response you say will dig you a deeper hole

I know it’s bad, but I honestly wish sometimes we could afford a frivolous plane ticket. That’s, like, why I can’t go to the great event! :(( ~X(

Why are there so many class options??? I want to take every class available at my school but I have to limit myself. I just want to learn, I don’t even care about my grades.

Maybe if you’d been just a little bit more passive-aggressive, you could’ve learned something.

But seriously, I’m as successful as I am (at least as you so condescendingly (not even to me, but in reference to your own daughter!) put it) BECAUSE my parents don’t push me to do any of this. They’re just solidly supportive. The whole nagging and putdown approach creates fearful, resentful, and apathetic kids.

Maybe more qualified folks would get the scholarships if said folks actually knew about it. Oh yeah, and deadlines. It’s nice to know them in advance.

I feel my college counselor is overestimating me and it’s an awful feeling. My grades are low, and raising them seems to be nearly impossible.

I know the material on the tests but I always perform awful and I don’t know why. I know the material, I do great on the practice problems, so why can’t I do well on the test??

I want to roll into a ball and just - I dunno. Lay there.
I’m so mad at myself for being so irresponsible and so unable to fundraise, and to remember deadlines, and to just overall be incompetent. My anxious feelings haven’t been this bad in a while and I just - I’m so upset at myself.

Being female has nothing to do with my intelligence. Honest.

I always feel like I’m not exactly good enough when I’m around you. I think it’s kind of funny: I’m easily the second best student in our Bio class, but there’s a massive gulf between the science fair winner and the girl who spends too much time on College Confidential. I’m honestly a little worried about you; how many things does your dad force you to do, anyway?